Pubblicazioni italiane

Conte, E., & Grazzani, I. (accettato per la pubblicazione). Favorire la salute mentale nella scuola dell’infanzia: le figure educative come motori di cambiamento. Bambini.

Grazzani, I., & Conte, E. (accettato per la pubblicazione). Lo sviluppo della comprensione sociale: una rassegna narrativa focalizzata sul linguaggio nella fascia 0-6 anni. Psicologia Clinica dello Sviluppo.

Agliati, A., Aguilar Barriga, P., Álvarez Cifuentes, P., Benítez Baena, B., Beržanskytė, J., Cavioni, V., Conte, E., … & Valverde Jiménez, B. (2020). Toolkit per la valutazione delle abilità sociali ed emotive a scuola. Vilnius, LT: Lithuanian Children and Youth Centre. ISBN: 9789955977681

Brazzelli, E., Conte, E., & Grazzani, I. (2018). Aiuto, condivisione e consolazione. Sviluppo e promozione dei comportamenti prosociali al nido. Bambini, Settembre, 22-26.

Pubblicazioni internazionali

Conte, E., Cavioni, V., Ornaghi, V., Agliati, A., Gandellini, S., Santos, M. F., Santos, A. C., Simões, C., & Grazzani, I. (2023). Supporting preschoolers’ mental health and academic learning through the PROMEHS program: A training study. Children, 10(6), 1070.

Cavioni, C., Grazzani, I., Ornaghi, V., Agliati, A., Gandellini, S., Cefai, C., Camilleri, L., Bartolo, P., Tatalovic Vorkapic, S., Golob, L., Poulou, M., Martinsone, B., Supe, I., Simões, C., Lebre, P., Colomeischi, A., Rusu, P., Acostoaie, L., Vintur, T., & Conte, E. (2023). A multi-component curriculum to promote teachers’ mental health: Findings from the PROMEHS program. International Journal of Emotional Education, 15(1), 34-52.

Anthony, C. J., Lei, P.-W., Elliott, S. N., DiPerna, J. C., Cefai, C., Bartolo, P. A., Camilleri, L., O’Riordan, M., Grazzani, I., Cavioni, V., C onte, E., Ornaghi, V., Tatalović Vorkapić, S., Poulou, M., Martinsone, B., Simões, C., & Colomeischi, A. A. (2023). Measurement invariance of children’s SEL competencies. An examination of the SSIS SEL Brief Scales with a multi-informant sample from six Countries. European Journal of Psychological Assessment.

Supe, I., Martinsone, B., Cefai, C., & Conte, E. (2023). Changes in social-emotional skills and behaviour in preschool children after participation in the promoting mental health at schools program: The social-emotional skills of parents as a mediator. Proceedings of ATEE 2022 Annual Conference, 824-836.

Colomeischi, A. A., Ursu, A., Bogdan, I., Ionescu - Corbu, A., Bondor, R., & Conte, E. (2022). Social and emotional learning and internalizing problems among adolescents: The mediating role of resilience. Children, 9 (1326), 1-14.

Poulou, M. S., Grazzani, I., Cavioni, V., Ornaghi, V., Conte, E., Cefai, C., Camilleri, L., & Bartolo, P. (2022). Changes in students’ social and emotional competences following the implementation of a school-based intervention program. American Journal of Applied Psychology, 11 (5), 122-132. doi: 10.11648/j.ajap.20221105.11
Poulou, M. S., Grazzani, I., Cavioni, V., Ornaghi, V., Conte, E., Cefai, C., Camilleri, L., & Bartolo, P. (2022). Teachers’ and students’ changes in social and emotional competences following the implementation of PROMEHS: A European program for promoting mental health at schools. Educational Research Applications, 7 (1), 1-14. doi: 10.29011/2575-7032.100205

Ornaghi, V., Conte, E., Agliati, A., & Gandellini, S. (2022). Early-childhood teachers’ emotion socialization practices: A multimethod study. Early Child Development & Care, 192 (10), 1608-1625.

Cefai, C., Camilleri, L., Bartolo, P., Grazzani, I., Cavioni, V., Conte, E., Ornaghi, V., Agliati, A., Gandellini, S., Tatalović Vorkapić, S., Poulou, M., Martinsone, B., Stokenberga, I., Simões, S., Santos, M., & Colomeischi, A. A. (2022). The effectiveness of a schoolbased, universal mental health programme in six European countries. Frontiers in Psychology.

Cefai, C., Camilleri, L., Bartolo, P., Grazzani, I., Cavioni, V., Conte, E., Ornaghi, V., Agliati, A., Gandellini, S., Tatalović Vorkapić, S., Poulou, M., Martinsone, B., Stokenberga, I., Simões, S., Santos, M., & Colomeischi, A. A. (2022). Promoting Mental Health in School. Evaluating the effectiveness of the PROMEHS Programme in improving students’ and teachers’ social and emotional competence, resilience and mental health. Malta: University of Malta.

Anthony, C. J., Elliott, S. N., Yost, M., Lei, P., DiPerna, J. C., Cefai, C., Camilleri, L., Bartolo, P., Grazzani, I., Ornaghi, V., Cavioni, V., Conte, E., Tatalović Vorkapić, S., Poulou, M., Martinsone, B., Simões, S., & Colomeischi, A. A. (2022). Multi-informant validity evidence for the SSIS SEL Brief Scales across Six European Countries. Frontiers in Psychology.

Martinsone, B., Stokenberga, I., Damberga, I., Supe, I., Simões, C., Lebre, P., Canha, L., Santos, M., Caetano, A., Fonseca, A. M., Santos, D., Gaspar de Matos, M., Conte, E., Agliati, A., Cavioni, V., Gandellini, S., Grazzani, I., Ornaghi, V., & Camilleri, L. (2022). Adolescent social emotional skills, resilience and behavioral problems during the COVID-19 pandemic: A longitudinal study in three European countries. Frontiers in Psychiatry, Public Mental Health.

Grazzani, I., Agliati, A., Cavioni, V., Conte, E., Gandellini, S., Lupica Spagnolo, M., Ornaghi, V., Rossi, F. M., Cefai, C., Bartolo, P. A., Camilleri, L., Oriordan, M. R. (2022). Adolescents' resilience during COVID-19 pandemic and its mediating role in the association between SEL skills and mental health. Frontiers in Psychology.

Berg, M., Talvio, M., Hietajärvi, L., Benítez, I., Cavioni, V., Conte, E., Cuadrado, F., Ferreira, M., Košir, M., Martinsone, B., Ornaghi, V., Raudiene, I., Šukyte, D., Talic´, S., & Lonka, K. (2021). The development of teachers’ and their students’ social and emotional learning during the “Learning to Be Project” - Training course in five European countries. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 1-17.

Ornaghi, V., Conte, E., Grazzani, I. (2020). Empathy in toddlers: The role of emotion regulation, language ability, and maternal emotion socialization style. Frontiers in Psychology, 11.

Conte, E., Cavioni, V., Grazzani, I., Ornaghi, V., & Agliati, A. (2020). Assessment and Promotion of Social, Emotional, and Health Skills in European Schools: The Learning to Be Project. In C. Cefai & R. Spiteri (a cura di), Resilience in Schools: Research and Practice, pp.186-200, Msida, Malta: Centre for Resilience & Socio-Emotional Health, University of Malta. ISBN: 978-99957-890-6-0

Agliati, A., Aguilar Barriga, P., Álvarez Cifuentes, P., Benítez Baena, B., Beržanskytė, J., Cavioni, V., Conte, E., … & Valverde Jiménez, B. (2020). Toolkit for Assessing Social and Emotional Skills at School. Vilnius, LT: Lithuanian Children and Youth Centre. ISBN: 9789955977698

Conte, E., Ornaghi, V., Grazzani, I., Pepe, A., Cavioni, V. (2019). Emotion knowledge, theory of mind, and language in young children: Testing a comprehensive conceptual model. Frontiers in Psychology, 10 (2144), 1-11.

Conte, E., Grazzani, I., & Pepe, A. (2018). Social cognition, language, and prosocial behaviors: A multitrait mixed-methods study in early childhood. Early Education & Development, 29 (6), 814-830.

Grazzani, I., Ornaghi, V., Conte, E., Pepe, A., & Caprin, C. (2018). The relation between emotion understanding and theory of mind in children aged 3 to 8: The key role of language. Frontiers in Psychology, 9 (724), 1-10.

Ornaghi, V., Grazzani, I., Cherubin, E., Conte, E., & Piralli, F. (2015). "Let's talk about emotions!". The effect of conversational training on preschoolers' emotion comprehension and prosocial orientation. Social Development, 24 (1), 166-183.
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